Heike Jenss (Parsons School of Design, New York). The Eternity of the Tracksuit: On Domestic Uniformity
Fashion and dress have been pointedly defined as a “situated bodily practice” that is constitutive to the creation of “micro-social order” (Entwistle). As the social context or situation imprints itself on the body through modes of dressing and behavior, we simultaneously co-produce through clothing situations according to social expectations. However, in what ways does the social manifest itself, or gets incorporated and embodied in a situation of self-reliance? Using the example of a stay at home uniform, and observations around domestic repeat-wear during the pandemic, this paper takes a look at clothing in the context of isolation. In a situation with limited social exchange and heightened self-awareness, it also considers the experience of fashion, habitual dressing and the comfort of a domestic uniform in relation to time.
Heike Jenss>>
Heike Jenss>>