Ana Roncha, Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas and Mirsini Trigoni. #TimeToCare vs #ShopOnline: How fashion and beauty brands responded to COVID-19
COVID-19’s impact on the fashion industry is still emerging; growing financial instability, and redundancies across different industries is no time for brands to push products. An examination of how brands have responded to the pandemic and the enforced shutdown of the regular fashion system offers insights into marketing strategy Social media is the preferred means for building customer relationships and engaging brand communities. Using Interbrand’s Top100 Global Brands, Brandz charts and Cosmetify ranking, we analysed 40 brands across luxury, apparel and beauty as they responded to the Covid19 crisis. Data was collected on brands’ Instagram* content for 8 weeks from 11th March, with each post being systematically analysed and coded. Findings indicate several common themes and pillars of communication across the 3 segments and provide insights for content marketing in times of crisis helping brands develop more purposeful ways of connecting to consumers, ensuring sustainability of business and stakeholders relationships.
Ana Roncha>>
Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas>>
Mirsini Trigoni>>
Ana Roncha>>
Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas>>
Mirsini Trigoni>>
* Instagram / Facebook принадлежит компании Meta Platforms Inc., которая признана в России экстремистской организацией, ее деятельность на территории РФ запрещена.